For someone… a shock,
for someone… a surprise,
for someone… a gift,
for someone… a new start,
for someone… a concern,
for someone… events,
for someone… a feeling
For me a little of everything!!!
But for those who know me, I always try to think positive and be confident in every situation! How my future will be, I don’t know exactly, but who can say to know it?!
I would like to thank from the deep of my heart my coaches, the Federation (FISI), the Italian Army, the sponsors, the fans and especially my family, for positive feedback, for the help and support that I am receiving. Life is sometimes very difficult to face alone, but specially in these moments you can find the true friends!
It was not really easy for me to accept, I had goals, projects and … this little baby growing inside me (today about 9cm high) threw me a bit “off the track”. But I am fully convinced that, thanks to these friends, sponsors, my family and coaches, I will find the way to do well! I’m motivated, optimistic and confident looking into the future. The happiness for this new adventure is growing day by day.
Thank you all for the kind words, for encouragements, for messages, for the support, for gestures, for anything, Thank you Thank you Thank you!
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