What is the meaning of life, if we don’t enjoy each moment of it?

The past is gone, we can’t go back and change it. But from the past, we can learn from mistakes we made and we can bring in our heart the good memories and joyful moments we have taken part.

The future is uncertain, we can decide a little in which direction to go, but the most part need to be discovered. To set goals is essential to understand our future: where I want to go, where I would like to arrive, with whom I want to spend time? The answers to these questions are different for everyone, the important thing is to reply with own head, own heart, even if not everyone can do it. For this reason it is sometimes important to take things as they are, to trust, to be surprised. Be ready to leap into the unknown and discover new and unknown things.

Sometimes even do something different, can be extraordinary, why don’t try?

I hope and I wish you a fun and not boring life. For this reason I’m very curious about what the future will offer to me, even if I still don’t know!

The Kiku-Norway trip can begin! I’m ready to leave for a new adventure, which I will share daily (or almost daily) also with you.

Joar Himle had the idea of this trip. In the last stage of the World Cup in Russia, he told me: “Why don’t you come to visit me this summer in Norway in Voss?”. After I have talked with coaches and I have received approval, I accepted the proposal!

Now the journey can begin!